
Sonic famous Chapter 13: Sonic's de ja vu

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Sonamy story

At 20h00 pm

Amy's pov

I was glad Sonic and me are back together. It felt as a relief for me, and it looked like it did the same for him. We had stayed with Tails all this time together. For the first time I see Sonic here in Tails house at least. But now it was getting late and I wanted to go home. We got out of his house to said our goodbyes.

"Well guys I really had a good time, but I want to go home. I said to them.

"Yeah I think I go home to, mother will get worry." Cream replied to them.

"Do you want me to walk you home Amy?" Sonic asked me.

"If you want to." I answered him with a blush on my face.

"Sure, I will go with you." Sonic said to me. Oh he's so sweet to me. Its just sad he doesn't like me the way I like him.

"Okay guys, I see you all later." Tails waved at us all.

"Bye Tails. Bye Cream." We waved back at them and Tails shut his door, Cream walked away from us to her home. Sonic was with me.

"So Sonic, did you enjoyed yourself?" I questioned to him while we walked.

"Yeah I did, how about you?" he responded to me.

"I had a good time, nothing special" I said to him normal.

"So what will you do now?" he suddenly asked me

"I don't know, nothing I guess" I answered him back sad, I wanted to hang out but I think he doesn't.

"Well would you like to go out with me?" he questioned to me, while looking at me.

"G-g-go out with y-y-you?" I stuttered and froze for a moment. It was like he could read my mind.

"Well if you don't want to, I understand." He said in a saw way, looking away from me.

"No I want to go out with you, but I have to change clothes if I go out with you." I replied to him. If Sonic wants to take me out I must be dressed well so that he hopefully falls in love with me.
He smiles at me a little.

"Amy you don't need to change yourself for me, I like you just as you are." He said to me. I couldn't believe it, he liked me just as I am?

"Thanks Sonic, I like you too as you are." I gave him a hug, not a dead hug because maybe he wouldn't breath anymore.

"Your welcome Amy." He responded and hugging back.

"So are you ready to go?" he asked me with a huge smile on his face.

"Yeah, but were are we going?" I replied, suddenly he picks me up in his arms, bridal style.

"You will see, just hold on tight" he warned to me. I held him by his neck like in Twinkle Park and lie my head on his chest.

"Here we…… GO." He said and then we speeded away. I was pressed in his chest, but I liked it. After 2 minutes we were on a hill where I could see the city with all the lights. It was an amassing view. He let me on my feet gently.

"Wow Sonic this is sooo beautiful!!!!!!!!!!" I squealed in joy.

"Am I glad you like it Amy, I was planning on bringing you here after Twinkle park. But you were to tired." He replied with a blush and scratching his head.

"REALLY???? You planned this?" I questioned him while looking into his still awesome green emerald eyes.

"Yes Amy, I did" he answered in back looking in my eyes.

"OOOOOHHHHHHHH SONIC!!!!!!!!!!!" I jumped on him and he fell on the grass with me on top of him. I could lie like this forever. I had such a good feeling with him, I didn't wanted to let it go.

" Hey you welcome Amy." He put his hands on my back. I almost couldn't resist it to kiss him here. But I don't want to lose him again, so I held in my feelings.

"If he just had the feelings for me, like I have for him we would be so happy". I thought while looking in his eyes again with a eyes almost closed and a smile.

"Amy you okay?" he asked to me, feeling uneasy.

"Yeah just enjoying the view" I answered him still smiling and looking at him.

He chuckles and had a blush on his face. I was so happy he asked me out. He founded the strength to do it, I thought he was shy, but now he just asked me without hesitating.

"Euhm Sonic, can I ask you something?" I questioned him.

"Sure Amy, what's on you mind." He answered me very polite and with a smile on his face.

"You asked me out so simple, How? You say your were to shy for asking this off me." I replied to him.

"Well…..euh…..see….euh….héhéhé." he responded back with a huge blush on his face

"Sonic are you hiding something from me?" I asked him annoyed. He looked cute when he blushed like that

"No, no it just, I wanted to spend time with you again." He answered to me still with that blush.

"Well thank you Sonic, you make me very happy." I said to him. I kissed his cheek.

"Well I like to spend my time with you, just like giving you those passes." He replied to me. But then his eyes widen open and put his hands on his mouth.

"You, you gave me and Cream those passes for your afternoon?" I asked him. I was sure he said that he gave them to me and Cream.

"*sigh* yes, I had four passes. Every year I get this, when I went to Tails I passed your house and left a pass for you." He answered to me, looking in my eyes.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH SONIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and I kissed him on his muzzle. That made him blush a lot and his eyes were wide open.

"W…W…W what was that for?". He questioned me.

"Well I told you to you all, that if it's a 'he' I would give him a kiss." I responded with almost closed eyes and a smile.

"o.o.o.ooh yeah, héhéhé I forgot." He spoke to me.

"Well it gets late now, shall I bring you home?" he said to me wondering.

"I would love to." I replied back happy.

I got off him. He wanted to pick me up but I jumped in his arms and he catch me. I held him with his neck of course and my head snuggling in his chest, I loved this so much. And with that we speeded to my home. After a few minutes we were at my place.

"End of the ride Amy." He said joking.

"Can you give me a second ride?" I asked him hopefully.

"Sorry Amy, you need to rest." He replied sweetly.

"Will you stay with me?" I questioned him while looking in his eyes.

"I think that's not such a good idea Amy, because we just back together." He answered softly. I felt sad he didn't wanted to stay, but it was okay I guess.

"Okay, I see you later I guess?" I said sad to him.

"Sure Amy, I will come back later to you." He responded back. I didn't wanted him to leave but I had no other choice.

"Bye Sonic" I spoke to him and hugging him.

"See ya Amy, I will come and see you tomorrow morning." he replied and hugged back, and kissed me on my cheek. OMG this felt so great! But it made me sad again because he would leave.

"Bye" we finished. I waved him goodbye and he speeded away to his home.

*Sigh* why doesn't he want to stay with me. I would have liked it if he was with me in bed, but I guess he's not ready to have a girlfriend. I really hope that his girlfriend would be me.

I was going to my door and unlocked it. I made something to eat fast because I haven't ate in a while. Just something simple that doesn't take to long. After I was done I cleaned my table and went to my bathroom to clean my teeth. I looked myself in the mirror and thought about me and Sonic together. I spit in my washstand and after I looked back up. I saw a man in a red uniform in my mirror behind me.

"AAAAAAAAAAA" I screamed in my mirror and suddenly everything went black.

Sonic's pov

I went back to my home and I was certain Amy's safe now. I mean who would be in her house right now, still my feeling said I should check on her just in case. But I was getting to worry now, nothing would happen to her and tomorrow I see her again.

I was now at my home and unlock my door. I felt a little hungry so I made fast a chilly dog because that's what I was really hungry for. After I was done with my chilidog I fast cleaned my table and went to my seat. I just wanted to close my eyes for a bit.

I was waking up to see my forms whisper to each other. I wondered what was wrong with them this time. "Euh here we go again" I thought to myself. I was getting ready for my usual conversation about Amy, but they didn't come to me strangely.

"Hey do you feel it?" my super form whispered but I could hear it.

"Yeah I did, something's wrong isn't it?" my werehog form replied.

"Guys?" I asked them, but it looked like they didn't.

"Should we sent him to check?" Darkspine spoke. I really had no idea what they are talking about.

I go over to the group annoyed because I thought they were plotting something.

"We maybe we sho……., oh hey Sonic nice of you to see us" my super form said to me.

"Did I hide my feelings again?" I asked annoyed because that was mostly what they wanted to say to me even through they are right.

"Not really, well we were at first, but something changed it." My dark form answered.

"What's the problem guys, I want to know!" I spoke aloud to them.

"We think Amy is in trouble." my werehog replied in his deep voice.

"Amy is at home, what could happen?" I question them annoyed. But they had actually a point, my feeling doesn't feel good to but still she's home save and sound.

"We don't know Sonic, but there is something going on. We won't force you to see her, but our advice: go check on her." my super form finished.

I shot back awake in my couch. Again my illusion but they really had a point. But still Amy is home so I will check on her tomorrow morning first thing after breakfast. I went to my bathroom to clean my teeth and after I was done I put on my pajama and got in my bed and try to fell asleep, but it was very difficult for some reason.

The next day.

At 7am

I didn't sleep well last night, my feeling really did felt bad. I went out of bed and put on my clothes. Then I ate fast something because I really wanted to check on Amy, after I was done I got out off my house, locked my door and speeded to Amy.

When I was at Amy's home I saw that the door was open, that was strange. I got inside Amy's house.

"AMY?!" I called aloud, but no response came.

"AMY?!" I said aloud again, but nobody answered.

"Where can she be?" I wondered to myself.

I looked inside the house, but nothing was useful. Suddenly I found a note on here living table, it said:

*Reading note*
"Sonic, if you want you girl alive you have to surrender to me!

I keep her in my base so you will come to me.
If you don't surrender within 12h, I kill her.

The genius dr. Eggman. HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO."
*End of the note*

Dammit my illusion was right, Amy was in trouble! I called Tails fast as possible.

"Hello Tails speaking" He said to the phone.

"TailsitsSonic,AmygotcaputeredbyEggman.She'sathisbase,canyouflyusthere?!!!!!!!!!!!!" I replied to him to fast in panic.

"Wow euh Sonic? I didn't understand what you said, can you repeat it slower?." He asked me.

"Amy is captured by Eggman! we need to get her back! She is at his base!" I shouted on the phone, starting to fear the worst.

"OMG!!!!!! Sonic come here as fast as possible. The x-tornado will be ready when you are here." He replied to me.

"Okay see you in a bit!" I finished and put my cell phone down. I closed Amy's door and speeded to Tails. When I arrived the x-tornado was indeed ready like he said.

"Great Tails, but we need to go!" I said to him.

"Okay jump on Sonic" he replied to me, I got on the wing.

"Hold on Amy, I am coming for you!" I thought to myself and we were off.

"Where is Amy again?" he suddenly asked me. While already flying. I liked the wind in my face but I was to focused on Amy to enjoy it.

"At his base" I responded while I was breathing heavy.

We were arrived at his flying base, but we where under attack by missile and gunfire.
"I had this feeling before." I thought to myself.

"SHOOT THAT FLY OUT OF THE SKY!!!!!!" Eggman screamed to his robots. I recognized this texts but I can't remember from where!.  

They shot reiterative to us but we manages too dodge the most of the attacks. We took a couple of hits. But Tails still could fly the plane toward the base. But this felt familiar too.

"Sonic, jump of the plane and take this ring" Tails shouted at me. I smiled and jumped off the X-tornado and took a ring of power.
"Did he not already said that to me?" I thought to myself. I immediately did my spin-dash attack to the robots destroying them all. Then I run inside his base to find Amy as fast as I could. While I was running I was thinking where I had this feeling before, I did ran already thought these halls.
I founded Amy in a cell. I could swear she had been in that cage before.

"Amy stand back" I said getting ready to spin-attack to her cage.
She stood back crying happily that I came too save her. Then I broke the door of her cage.

"Oh Sonic thank you for saving me" she said with tears in her eyes.

"No problem Amy, we need go get out off here" I said too her
She nodded. Suddenly Eggman stood there with a gun pointing my way.

"So Sonic thought you could save your girl did you?" Eggman asked me.

"Why did you kidnapped her in the first place?!!!" I shouted back.

"Isn't that obvious? Just to lure you in my trap of course" Eggman answered me.

"What are you going to do?" I growled at him and looked for an exit but I was trapped in a corner.

"Killing you! And then taking over Mobius" he said with an evil smile. I still had the feeling he said that before.

"Say goodbye SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!" Eggman finished. He said that sentence before, only I couldn't remember from where!

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO SONIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Amy screamed crying AND running at me.

I begin to remember now, this was from my nightmare!

"AMY DON'T…..!" I shouted. Because I knew what she was going to do, but she already ran over to me.

she used her body to catch the bullet. And protect me.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed to her. She felt in my arms, my mouth was wide open with tears formed in my eyes. My nightmare came out.

"Well it looked like I killed your girl Sonic hohohohohoho!!!!!!!!!!" he spoke loud to me, my anger became enormous because he was laughing at her. I put her gently on the ground while anger took over my body.

"YOU SICK B……………….., I will kill you for this!!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted to him while my fur became dark blue.

I speeded toward him, he shot again at me but I managed to dodge the bullet. I did my spin-dash to him while in rage for killing Amy!. he flew through the wall.

"AAAAAAUUUUUUUUU" he screamed, but I didn't hesitated. And hit him again with my fist, after my second hit he rolled over and I hit the floor instead.


"You fealty little hegdehog, You never defeat me!!!!!!" he replied to me. I run full force over to him. He wanted to shot me again but when he shot I slide to the ground while the bullet go's over my head and kicked him in his legs!.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I heard a crack coming from him, he collapsed to the ground. Trying to crawl away I stood there with my foot on his chest.

"THIS IS FOR AMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I held my feet in the air and wanted to strike and go through his heart. But something stopped me.

"Sonic *cough*don't *cough* do *cough* it…………" I heard Amy saying while she was couching and then her voice was no more. Suddenly the police was here too, I got off him.

"You're arrested for your crimes Eggman" the police officer said while he put Eggmans hands on his back and put him in handcuffs. I was getting back normal. I went to Amy and tried to wake her up.

"Amy! please wake up!!!!!!!" I cried to her and holding her in my arms again close to me.

"PLEASE AMY DON'T LEAVE ME, I NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted still crying.

"AMY AMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shook her a lot, but she didn't opened her eyes.

"SONIC!!!!!!!" Tails said aloud to me.

"TAILS WE NEED TO GET AMY TO A HOSPITAL!!!!!!!!!!" I picketed up Amy still in tears, I couldn't believe she's dead.

"HOLLY S………, Sonic you bring her to the hospital!" he spoke to me.

"OUT OF MY WAY THEN!!!!!!!" I replied aloud and speeded away to the hospital.

It took me about 15 minutes to get to the hospital. When I entered they saw it.

"OH S……. we need help here!" The secretary said to here colleges and they got us fast a bed and I putted Amy on it. They went with here to the operation room. I wanted to enter too but they stopped me.

"Huh?" I looked up wondered to them.

"You have to wait in the waiters room" he replied to me.

"I want to be with her!" I said to him.

"I am sorry but you can't be with her Sonic, Please wait there when we are done here I will come to you." He responded to me sad.

As much as I hated it I did what he said and got to the waiting room. I hold in my tears so people wouldn't see me cry. In my head Amy hunted all my thoughts.

"Amy I am so sorry, I should have prevented this by staying with you yesterday". I thought to myself. I was silencing crying and holding my head in my hands.

"Amy please survive, I can't afford to lose you. I love you" I said softly to myself.
Sonic takes Amy out firs:D
And some things get explained

But later Sonic’s nightmare came out.:(
If he had checked on her maybe this wouldn’t have to happen.

Sonic 21
Amy: 18
Sally: 21
Cream: 16
Tails: 17

I do not own Sonic, Amy, Tails, Cream, Sally, Vanilla.
They belong to SEGA

Chapter 12: [link]
Chapter 14: [link]
© 2012 - 2024 Psychic2you
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